
Showing posts from June, 2017
Week-4 This week was follow up on week-3's work. It involves in bringing the stiffness value of the cross beam close to real life model. Going through research papers was one way to start and ANSYS tutorials from customer portal was of great help to learn how to model concrete. List of research papers: 1. 2. 3.\ By bringing changes to concrete the  directional deformation value obtained is close to analytical calculations. Thank you for visiting my blog :)
Week-3 Hey all! This week's work involves modelling different cross sections of beams and doing simulation under loading conditions. Models were designed in SOLIDWORKS and analysis was performed in ANSYS. ANSYS Workbench : The deformation of all the cases varied as shown in the figure below:  These deformation values are cross verified by Analytical calculations as shown below: That's all for this week:)
Hello! Welcome back! The week-2 was more about going through published papers, working on modeling concrete beams and to get started with literature review. published papers: 1. - use of diaphragm in tube with help of welding. 2. - analysis of slender reinforced concrete columns. 3. - biaxial bending of columns. Finite element analysis on concrete beam with no reinforcements: Finite element analysis on concrete with a reinforcement: - concrete filled tubes
                                                  Hello! Thank you for visiting my blog :) I am a design summer intern at Spartan Super way. I have a really interesting task of learning the properties of beams when subjected to bending. As it is my first week at Super way, I am starting off with recalling basics in mechanics of solids and theory of beams. I have also looked into advantages of concrete filled tubes over steel and concrete tubes when under compression and bending.                                                                                     Solomon’s knot design is preferred over other designs to avoid slipping between concrete and steel. This also helps in reducing the probability of  fracture in sheet metal when subjected to bending.      We want to perform both simulation and FEA analysis on the Solomon's knot composite beam to compare the deflection results. Next steps involve running simulation on basic models. End step would be to